In this case, you iterate through the contents of the recv aggregate, sum the packet lengths for each tuple ( device name, PID, and process name), then emit this data. 在本例中,您将遍历recv聚合的内容、为每个元组(设备名、PID和进程名)相加包的长度,然后发出该数据。
Data events are used to emit additional data information. 数据事件被用于发出额外的数据信息。
The end probe, which is called if the user presses Ctrl-C, provides the means to emit the captured data. 在用户按Ctrl-C调用的end探针提供发送捕获的数据的方式。
When associated debugging with Pico-satellite, the Ground System is succeeded to emit data, receive and retrieve images taken by the on-satellite CMOS camera clearly. 跟卫星联合调试中,地面系统很好的发射数据和接收恢复图像信号。
However, electronic devices used for the processing of information can emit unintentionally electromagnetic waves which can be eavesdropped. Thus, the information data within some range can be reconstructed. 然而,这些处理信息的电子设备会产生无意发射的电磁波,在一定距离内窃取者可以重建这些泄漏的数据信息。